CogniQuo = Cognizance + Quotient

Fastest growing platform in the areas of Edutainment & Biztainment built to meet the growing needs of skill development linking Academia with the Industry


Our Key Services

Quiz Contests

Nurturing the inquisitiveness of institutions, corporates & enterprises through planned quiz in over 20+ categories.

Skill Development

Skill development is the major force driving startups, SMEs and business. Count on us for tailored skill development programmes.

Technical Training

We follow a simple methodology in all our training programmes: 80% – requirement gathering and 20% – execution & follow-up.

Awards & Exhibitions

Why not reward the top performers and superstars of startups, businesses and institutions in different segments?

Ideathons & Hackatons

Our ideathon & hackathon culture nurtures and strives to achieve innovation, creativity and the first step towards entrepreneurship.

EDC Cell & Incubation Set-up

We readily support insitutions and even private organizations in establishing EDC, Innovation cells & Incubators anywhere.

Where business, education & entertainment converge

Our Culture

Other Services

Our services are aimed towards personalisation of learning and inclusion

Establish strong Institute-Industry ties, in addition to B2B Connects, through meticulously crafted events, trainings, programs and a series of promotional activities and campaigns. 

Increase visibility & sales opportunities of companies, startups, organizations & institutions that associate with us through trust & collaboration, creating tangible value for them.

We facilitate skill acquisition across the spectrum. Know How.

Quick Contact


Our Go-to-digital Strategy

Digital services

Reviving Traditional Cognitive Skills

build a robust youth talent pipeline

Create Experiential Value every time in whatever we do

Changing the face of Engagement

why CogniQuo?



CogniQuo (a combination of two words: Cognition and Quotient) is a unique, robust Edutainment (a combination of two words: Education and Entertainment) and Biztainment (a combination of two words: Business and Entertainment) platform, and is the only one that is built to co-exist with and cater to the growing needs of Startups, established Companies, Corporate, Institutions and the wider Entrepreneurial ecosystem in the area of Skill Development, Edutainment and Biztainment  by linking Academia with the Industry through Skill Development, Customised, Powerful Content, Tailored Events (on-demand) and Measurable Outcomes. Know More